going it alone: new year, new home
Welcome to Buttondown

Good morning, and, like the sign says, welcome to our new home. If everything went as planned, you will notice absolutely nothing aside from the cosmetic changes. Paid subscribers don't have to do anything, as both Substack and Buttondown go through Stripe.
Please make sure you add Buttondown as a contact so the emails dont go to spam.
I am currently trying to get used to the interface here. Substack was very basic and I liked it that way. This is a little more intricate and it might be a while before I get it looking exactly how I want it, but what matters most is the words, and they will be right here for you to read.
If you have any issues with the new site, such as font choices or navigation, please contact me and we can work together to make the site easy for everyone to read.
I'd like to thank my long time internet friend Stephen for assisting me in getting the site moved over. And I'd like to thank you all for still being here.
On a content related note: I have something coming up soon that is pretty special. It involves other writers and is a collaborative effort to speak about the albums of 1994, which will be turning 30 this year. A whole bunch of great people volunteered to write about their favorite albums from that year, and I'm going to be putting them all on the newsletter. I think you'll really enjoy it. Other than that, it's all the same. I'll continue to write, you'll (hopefully) continue to read, we'll have a good time together. Going to try to be less depressing in the new year,
Once again, welcome to our new place. Make yourself comfortable. And holler if anything's wrong, or even if it's all ok!
(You can't embed videos here yet, so imagine this is the video for CSNY's "Our House")
Congrats on the move! It's definitely nerve-racking, and I've been doing this stuff professionally for 15+ years.
I just finished moving Downbeat.fm to Ghost yesterday, and deleted my Substack publication this morning.