finding joy 2/5
here comes the sun

I am going to be honest and tell you the last week was not a good one! I was in a deep funk for most of it because we had fourteen days in a row of either rain or cloud cover. I'm very in tune with the weather and not seeing sunshine for two weeks really took its toll on me. Along with some other personal issues that I've been dealing with, the funk really took hold and I felt out of sorts and depressed for several days in a row. Barely left the house and when I was home I was on the couch watching tv or sleeping.
Then Saturday came and the sun returned in all its glory. I woke up to abundant sunshine and warm (relatively speaking) temperatures. I took a shower, got dressed, ran errands I had put off and felt alive for the first time in two weeks. And then I did something I hadn't done in a long time: I went for a walk. And I went for a walk yesterday, too. And I will do it again today. Let me tell you, being outside on a bright winter day, feeling the wind in your face, a chill in the air, is a great way to invigorate yourself. When I came in from walking I felt great, I felt renewed. I got shit done around the house. Never doubt what a little fresh air and sunshine can do for you mental health.
My nutritionist told me it was important for my diabetes to be active every day, so I am going to incorporate walking into my daily routine. Speaking of diabetes, It's been two weeks since I saw the nutritionist and drastically change what, when, and how I eat. My blood sugar number - which I have to check four times a day - went from a daily average of 165 down to 112. The last three times I checked it, it was in the 90s. Also, I lost five pounds. Who knew that eating right and walking could improve your health? Outrageous! I'm kinda proud of myself, which is certainly reason to be joyful.

I started watching Regular Show on Max. I had heard good things about and it sounded like something I'd enjoy so I said what the heck. There was no hockey this weekend so I was television bored. Well. This is one of the greatest shows I have ever seen. I flew through that first season and I'll do the second today. Funny as hell - there are a lot of laugh out loud moments - and so smartly written, it's both charming and extremely weird. So, right up my alley. I will also tell you that it is perfect to watch while high. Pure enjoyment, highly recommend.
And that's it for this week. Like I said, it wasn't an overly joyful one and that's ok, they're not all going to be winners. As long as you know that the bad days will pass and the sun will come out again, it's ok to wallow through rainy weeks.
I hope your week was great, and that the week ahead treats you well. I am going for a walk now.