– September 22nd, 2023
Hey there!
Here's your weekly newsletter from me, Matt Glaman! I've been a bit swamped since coming back from CookieCon at the end of August, the kids going back to school, and then attending Twin Cities DrupalCamp.
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My latest blog post
I went to Twin Cities DrupalCamp last week. It was great getting together with folks.

My adventure up to Twin Cities DrupalCamp 2023
Last week, I drove up to Minneapolis and attended Twin Cities DrupalCamp. I have only made it to the conference once before, way back in 2016, to present about the beginnings of Drupal Commerce 2.x. This is the first time Twin Cities DrupalCamp has been held at the end-of-summer/beginning-of-fall period.
Tips & tricks
Set aside time in your day to stretch and exercise with resistance training. In our industry, we sit a lot, and it seems to be pretty proven that exercise can reduce the effects of anxiety and depression (one study I've start a morning routine that has helped me keep up my daily routine between work and family life.
You don't need to go to a gym or buy expensive equipment. I have a stretch strap for my legs, a few resistance bands, and a kettlebell. I spend 15 minutes doing stretches and then another 15 minutes of resistance training workout. I chose the morning because there is absolutely no way I'd actually do this in the afternoon once my day has gone into full motion.
My morning looks something like this:
- 6:45 stretches
- 7:15 drop off kid at school
- 7:30 resistance training
- 7:45 make coffee
- 8:00 bring kid to school
- 8:15 start my day
It's not a lot. It could be more, but this works best for my schedule and I have seen benefits.
This week's live stream
Hopefully, I'll be back next week! I have been tinkering with OBS and figuring out why OBS is so glitchy. It's acting up when I record locally, not just streaming – even when the only input is my microphone!
Interesting links
- Welcome to!
- Over the summer, Red Hat shuttered The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is now the new home for that news site!
- Death by a thousand microservices
- Microservices. Solving problems that don't even exist yet for most organizations. This blog post has an opinion on how the term gained popularity and makes the case why monolithic services are still okay and may be beneficial.
- XML is the future
- Speaking of hype and trends...
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Have suggestions or ideas for future blog posts and newsletters? Let me know!