– November 10th, 2023
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My latest blog post
Projects on using GitLab CI are now being analyzed with PHPStan, by default!

PHPStan is now running for all Drupal modules on GitLab CI!
The Drupal Association has been working on a monumental effort to migrate away from our bespoke DrupalCI continuous integration system to GitLab CI as part of the GitLab Acceleration Initiative. Drupal core's test runs are five times faster using GitLab CI.
Tips & tricks
I was catching up on my backlog of podcasts and just listened to Arnold Schwarzenegger on The Tim Ferriss Show. There are many takeaways, but these two stuck out:
Don’t just worry about climbing a ladder that someone else has built. No, build your own ladder. Just don’t wait for anyone else. That’s what I did.
I’m not a self-made man. I have to recognize that my training, my money, everything comes from a lot of different people. … When you recognize that, you now have the responsibility of going out and helping others.
These are important. I found a way to build my own ladder to create my career, but that career was never self-made. My career was built with the help of countless others. I recognize that and try to give back so that I can help others grow their careers.
This week's live stream
Interesting links
- This blew my mind. I've messed around with TUI (Terminal User Interface) projects in Go before.
On the use of enums (in PHP)
- I have been using enums here and there in PHP. A lot of times enums are just over-engineered values. The article explains why not to use enums, and then how to use them effectively.
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