Chayei Sarah
This week’s parsha is Chayei Sarah. The newsletter is happening later than usual since I had to work today, so all my creative energy during the daytime went there instead. Good shabbos! I lit candles!
A non-Jewish friend sent me this the other day and said it made them think of me, which is great.
Jewish Currents sent out a clip from In The Kitchen 2020, an audio play that explores Arab-Jewish womanhood through food. It was going to be interactive theater in person but, y’know, COVID. At least this way more of us get to experience it.
Monday is the Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jewish) holiday of Sigd. Bechol Lashon had an Ethiopian kabbalat shabbat in its honor at noon pacific time that was live-streamed on their Facebook.
You can read The Art of Hebrew Lettering online at Letterform Archive and it’s full of lovely letters, as expected.
The jewish pet of the week this week is Pepper, a dog with a job who enjoys being a pet the rest of the time.
See you next week!