Weird Jewish Digest
April 8, 2022
This week in jewsletter we have: historical haggadahs, a reading list of good leftist writings about antisemitism, and new events (including a lecture about...
April 1, 2022
Hello everyone! Let's jump right in. Jewish Calendar This week's torah portion is tazria! We're introduced to tzaraat (biblical leprosy), and talk some about...
March 25, 2022
Hello everyone! This week in jewsletter we have some book discounts, an antiquities smuggling update, a few new classes, and a new Pesach section! And also a...
March 18, 2022
Hello everyone! This week in jewsletter we have: a purim wrap-up including Judith Butler and Abby Stein (separately), a Deadly Exchange update, a banger of...
March 11, 2022
Hello everyone! This week in jewsletter we have: a tiny aleph, magic invisibility foccacia, demographic panics are racist, two online archive projects that...
March 4, 2022
Hello everyone! This week we make fun of (and/or shake our heads at) antisemites, have a variety of feelings about Mizrachi-ness, and showcase a very special...
February 25, 2022
Hello everyone! The world is shit but also contains the two cute cats at the end of this email, and a whole lot of really cool jews (like you!). CW's this...
Ki Tisa
February 18, 2022
Hello everyone! I have enjoyed taking a week off and also enjoyed coming back, though it has meant I have SO many links this week. Oops....
February 4, 2022
Hello everyone! There are so many links to share this week, and I know I missed several things worth including. I'm a little frayed at the edges, just like...
January 28, 2022
Hello everyone! There are a bunch more of you than there were last week, in a way that makes me think someone linked to this newsletter. If you're a new...
January 21, 2022
Hello everyone! What a week. Let's all take an extra deep breath and do restful shabbat things. CW's this week are: antisemitism (including last saturday's...
January 14, 2022
Hello everyone! This week is shabbat shira (singing shabbat) and tu bishvat (tree holiday) and i am Quite Excited. CW's: zionism, colonialism, antisemitism,...
January 7, 2022
Hello everyone! Please enjoy the following extremely boss pair of pants. Tunisian Jewish women, c. 1920s. Extremely boss pair of pants....
December 31, 2021
Hello everyone! I am not feeling well this week (it's not covid, just a cold), so this may be a somewhat off-kilter jewsletter with more errors than usual....
December 24, 2021
Hello everyone! There are 236 email addresses receiving this and I think that's amazing. the time between christmas and new years is goyische xol ha’moed...
December 17, 2021
Hello everyone! I have officially clicked the button that gives a paid subscription option. The same content will always go out to free and paid subscribers,...
December 10, 2021
Hello everyone! Jewish Calendar This week's torah portion is Vayigash,...
December 3, 2021
Hello friends! In an attempt to avoid burnout, I'm keeping the jewsletter relatively light right now, so there won't always be a content note section or an...
November 26, 2021
Hello friends! We are nearing the winter holiday season and i hope you are having a good one. Jewish Calendar This week's torah portion is Vayeshev, which...
November 19, 2021
Hello! “Gonna fistfight the God I don’t know if I believe in, in a Target parking lot at 2am” is one of my favorite parts of being Jewish.— Yonit Friedman🌹🔥...
November 12, 2021
Hello! One of the links this week came from a trivia newsletter I subscribe to. Guess which one! Content notes for this week's newsletter are antisemitism,...
November 5, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are homophobia, transphobia, white supremacists, sexual assault, and probably more? Jewish Calendar This...
Chayei Sarah
October 29, 2021
Hello chaverim! Content notes for this week's newsletter are antisemitism, homophobia/transphobia, anti-Palestinian BS but first, to offset that, a very cute...
October 22, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are anti-Palestinian bigotry, terrorism, antisemitism, animal slaughter, racism I just learned and now...
Lekh Lekha
October 15, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are racism, antisemitism, legacies of colonialism, white feelings (mine), shoah, abortion, crisco...
October 1, 2021
Hello! I am taking next week off since I will be in a cabin far away from other humans and also the internet. Content notes for this week's newsletter are...
Vezot Haberakhah (or chol hamoed Sukkot)
September 24, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are antisemitism and racism, including racism against palestinians. Jewish Calendar This week's torah portion...
September 17, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are antisemitism and sexual assault. Jewish Calendar This week's torah portion is Ha'Azinu. The bulk of it is...
September 10, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are: antisemitism (incl parroted by Jews), 9/11, islamophobia, workplace sexual harrassment, antiblack racism...
September 3, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are: antisemitism, racism (including overt white supremacy), death, natural disasters, homophobia...
Ki Tavo
August 27, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are: antisemitism (including holocaust), sexual assault, homophobia A different kind of content note: the...
Ki Teitzei
August 20, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are: antisemitism, transphobia, sexism, biblical genocide, holocaust discussion, anti-Palestinian bigotry,...
August 13, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week’s newsletter are: antisemitism, including antisemitic murders and the shoah; antivax eugenics; grief and despair, sexual...
August 6, 2021
Hello! Content notes for this week's newsletter are: antisemitism and not-antisemitism-called-antisemitism, anti-Palestinian bigotry, probably more if you...
July 30, 2021
Hello and welcome! B'ruchim habaim! Exciting news today! I have over 200 subscribers so I will be having a cupcake to celebrate. Content notes for this...
July 23, 2021
Good morning/afternoon/evening! Content notes for this week’s newsletter are: antisemitism, the relentless passage of time, israel related nonsense This...
July 16, 2021
Hi all! Lovely to see you again. Content notes for this week's newsletter are: tisha b'av related mourning, sexual assault, homophobia, antisemitism,...
July 9, 2021
Hi all! Content notes for this week's newsletter are: murder/manslaughter (in parsha description), police, racism (from and towards Jews), antisemitism....
July 2, 2021
Hi all, Welcome back! I enjoyed my break from writing last week but am raring to get back in the saddle, as it were. Because of the break I'm not quite as on...
Chukat (draft attempt 2)
June 18, 2021
Hi all, Housekeeping first: I am not going to be sending out a newsletter next week, but will return on July 2nd. Also I ran into a whole bunch of technical...
June 12, 2021
Hello everyone! Content Warnings for this issue are: holy death-punishment (murder type, plague type), homophobia, antisemitism, apartheid Yell in a War...
Sh'lach (L'cha)
June 4, 2021
Hello everyone! Content Warnings for this issue are: antisemitism, racism, pogroms, race riots, Israel/Palestine A few housekeeping notes: Next week's...
May 28, 2021
Hello everyone! Content Warnings for this issue are: mention of nonsexual nudity; illness as punishment; antisemitism; climate change disasters; child death;...
May 21, 2021
Hello everyone! This week we read parshat naso. More census-ing, some rituals, the birkat kohanim. You know, the one with the Spock hands. (Yes, I know Nimoy...
May 14, 2021
Hello! This week we start a whole new book of the torah: Bamidbar, or “in the wilderness”, 1:1-4:20 (blaze it). Not too be too cliche about it, but I’m...
May 7, 2021
Hi everyone! This week’s parsha is Behar-Bechukotai. It’s got info about shmita aka “give the ground a break” year, debt stuff, rain, harvests, victories...
April 30, 2021
Hello chaverim! This week’s parsha is Emor. We learn about a bunch of festivals and also how disabled priests can’t offer sacrifices. While reviewing this...
Acharei Mot/Kedoshim
April 23, 2021
Hello! We are somehow already on parshat Acharei Mot / Kedoshim, another two-in-one. There’s a lot in here: the original scapegoat, That One Line about...
April 16, 2021
This week we have parshat tazria-metzorah, which has a lot of things to say about various things that cause tumah (ritual impurity, ritual recognition of...
April 9, 2021
Good morning friends! This week’s parsha is Shemini, which translates to eighth. It may contain the midpoint of the whole torah depending on how you count....
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