Privilege, or, How Do People Do This?
I wrote some thoughts in Ricky's newsletter
I’ve written up some thoughts on being a parent in this country, and how society and the government fails people when they’re doing one of the most important jobs we can to ensure the generation after us is better than we are. You can give that a read here. And you should read Ricky’s substack in general, he’s a great writer, and his year off has been really interesting.
And to give you a little extra since you’re here…
For Your Approval
What do you get when you combine Scowl, a very buzzy hardcore band out of Santa Cruz with Nuovo Testamento, the ‘80s-worshipping synthpop band that includes members of Torso among its lineup? Well, you get this synth remix of Scowl’s furious EP title track “Psychic Dance Routine” that completely transforms the song and takes it from mosh-fuel to something appropriate for Manray.