Fear and Loathing on Cape Cod
Little man’s first trip to ol’ Provincetown
The annual sojourn to the tip of Cape Cod is done. This year was very different than the past… 16 years of this trip, since it was the first since becoming a parent. Also this was Von’s first time joining the vacation!

Unlike years past, I only went for the latter half of the week, flying up Tuesday afternoon. There was a bit of a weather snafu to start the trip; weather delays and cancelled flights changed our scheduled 6pm arrival to 10:30pm, and then with the drive, we didn’t get into Provincetown until 2:30am. But hey, we made it. Even if there was some complaining from the passenger in the back seat. Bright side: the bridge traffic is nonexistent at that time of night!
It was great getting to spend time with everyone, and with everyone’s kids. The house was full of little ones, and I’m glad our guy got to interact with more kids. Even if he’s a little too young to really do much yet.
We explored town, doing my annual assessment of what’s changed and what hasn’t down Commercial Street. And of course a lobster roll at Canteen—hot, naturally, none of this mayo nonsense. The lad got to try a couple of pieces of lobster, which he seemed to enjoy! I’m not looking forward to him developing a taste for expensive seafood, but this is my own fault.

We of course had to give him his inaugural trip to The Red Inn, where I enjoyed my traditional cocktail, a gin and tonic with elderflower liqueur. I was devastated that Harrison wasn’t working; I had seen him earlier at Kohi (RIP Wired Puppy). Later at Provincetown Brewing, he told me he was taking the summer off from the Red Inn, and that it was a huge relief. Good for him, bad for my usual order, since he always tended to give me a larger glass. I’m not sure what it says about either of us that a person I see a handful of afternoons in a busy vacation town remembers me and my drink order year after year, but it does make me feel like I’ve made it in Provincetown, in some small way.

I was pleased to get to enjoy a beach bonfire again, as we usually do that earlier in the week. It ended up being a nice night, even if there was a touch of rain early on. It’s always lovely to watch the sun go down on Herring Cove, and cook over a roaring fire. Sadly Von was not able to take part in this tradition, as the nature of having a small child means someone had to be there to watch him.

Naturally, this trip was going to be Different from previous years. In years past, there was a sort of freewheeling energy to the whole thing, at least for me; rarely any definitive plans aside from “probably hit the Red Inn later.” Nap schedules limited how much time could be spent out and about. Nightlife was less of an option, due to equal parts responsibility to a child, and also being generally more exhausted by the end of the day. I was not being fueled by a cocktail of caffeine, booze, and adrenaline. Strange!

Not that this was a bad thing. Just something to get used to. I enjoyed experiencing the trip through him, and along with Von, who had only been there once, off-season, for my 40th birthday. Taking him to the beach, and into the ocean for the first time, was great. Even if he did not enjoy the unseasonably chilly water. Sorry, bud!
I’m glad I got to continue to enjoy what is probably my favorite yearly tradition with a bunch of my favorite people. This vacation, going on almost 20 years now, has evolved and changed as our lives have, and that’s really wonderful to me.