When your brain is offline for servicing
Hey folks,
So I’ve talked a bit about struggling to create when remarkably smooth-brained, and my suspicion that this might be linked to a mood stabilizer I started taking last year.
Well, I’m off the drug, and I am delighted to note that not only am I feeling more energy and agency than I have in twelve months, I’ve found myself spontaneously doing creative things again. Such as wanting to cook more elaborate food that just getting something on the table, and extemporizing little songs to the cats.
This morning’s entry, sung while dispensing the morning dental treats:
We've got these little weirdos
Who are weird little guys.
They yell a lot.
They smell a lot.
They tell a lot
of lies.
We've got these little weirdos
Who are weird little guys.
I was pretty proud of coming up with the rhyme scheme on the fly, honestly.
That also means that Shipwreck Star* is moving forward again, because as my brain gets less smooth the story nuggets start showing up in the pan again, instead of just water, water, and more water. My ability to craft a metaphor is coming back too, which is such a relief.
For some reason, character backstories are lagging behind. Of course that’s what I need right this instant.
Anyway, that’s the update.
We’re listening to what passes for holiday music here at Hopeful House, which is currently The Counting Crows “Long December” and Sarah McLachlan’s “Ice” but also veers into Jethro Tull, Iggy Pop, and Thea Gilmore. Etcetera.
I’ve got a couple of appearances planned in Worcester and the Boston area in January. Briefly, I’ll be at the Worcester Public Library with Allen Steele, Walter Hunt, Andrea Hairston, and L.J. Cohen on January 4th at 3 pm to talk about all things science fiction.
And on January 16th I’ll be at Porter Square Books in Cambridge for the Boston-area launch of the anthology New Year, New You with Elizabeth Bear, Chris Campbell, Nick dePasquale, Max Gladstone, Allison Pottern, Brigitte Winter, and special guest emcee Scott Lynch!
I look forward to seeing some of you there, if the weather allows!
*I took a poll, and my closest writer friends all like the title, so I’m running with it unless the publisher says no.