Things are on sale!
Hey, folks! I’ve been a bit remiss in newslettering for a bit, and I apologize: I had the flu, and it turned into bronchitis, and TMI but I’m pretty sure this stuff I’ve been coughing up is bits of brain because focus and so forth have not been my friends lately.
But I do have some cheap ebooks for you!
Pinion (US title: Dust) is on sale in UK ebook for £1.99! Get your copy here!
And the US edition of Ancestral Night is on sale for $4.99 in ebook as well! You can get a copy here!
I’m currently at author-in-residence at the Viable Paradise writer’s workshop on Martha’s Vineyard, by the way, (bronchitis and all) so if the weather cooperates I’ll try to get you some photos of water and trees and sand and possibly astronomical phenomena!
your sometimes unreliable correspondent,