The hungry sheep look up and are not fed.
Hey everybody,
Greetings from the smoke-filled cozy apocalypse of the upper Midwest, where the sun rose orange and heavy this morning and Scott and I had an extraordinary dinner with friends, the kind of irresponsible once-every-five-years blowout that is basically impossible to justify but also profoundly good for the soul. (Hello, PNH and TNH. I hope your stomachs are recovering from the feast.)
Because we are traveling, I am typing this on a tiny Jellycomb folding keyboard and my tablet--not the best combo honestly--but it gets the job done. And because we are here for a tiny and well-beloved SFF convention (4th Street Fantasy) that we both (Scott and I, that is) help to run, of course the conversation turned to books and science fiction--and we got to talking about John Brunner, which led me to the topic for this newsletter.
Honestly I think Brunner is, like Octavia Butler, due a renaissance. (Other writers I'd like to see resurrected from the depths of history include but are not limited to Suzy McKee Charnas and Vonda McIntyre). One has to read through a certain amount of Social Mores Of The Time and phrasings that wouldn't make it past the sniff test today, but when a book is fifty or even thirty years old I give it some slack, frankly. Our own work is going to look dated soon too.
Anyway, people talk a lot about how prophetic Heinlein or Clarke or whatever are, but here's the thing: if you want a prophet... look at Brunner. Whatever apocalypse is currentl haunting your thoughts, he probably had something to say about it: sustainability, environmental degradation, AI taking your job, the streaming revolution, targeted advertising, spiking cancer rates, generational irresponsibility for a duty of care in the world we are leaving our children, corporate fascism, mass murder as a commonplace event, Whole Foods...
(I'm not kidding about Whole Foods, either.)
He was also doing proto-Cyberpunk in 1968, a book that won Best Novel—Stand on Zanzibar.
Set about… er… now.
Start with: Children of the Thunder, Stand on Zanzibar, The Sheep Look Up.
Anyway, I need to go get some exercise after three days on the road, and it's looking a little nuclear outside so the hotel pool it is. Stay safe, don't breathe those particulates if you can help it, and keep on keeping on.
See you after the convention.