September Book Club
Howdy, fellow pandemic endurers! It's time for the second edition of the Throw Another Bear In The Canoe book club, where we all talk about what we're reading and what we think about it. As a reminder, please be kind to one another: there's enough meanness and misery in the world without getting mean about books.
I'm currently reading... well, a whole pile of things because my attention span is crap, frankly. Scott and I have been watching more TV than usual, and are actually caught up on both Perry Mason and Lovecraft Country (or will be on that latter after dinner tonight.) All I gotta say is Hapyr Trbetr unf orggre trg erfheerpgrq, be urnqf ner tbaan ebyy. (rot13)
I did finish Meg Ellison's debut, The Book of the Unnamed Midwife. This was perhaps not the best choice of reading material for the current era, as it's a particularly grim periapocalyptic narrative about (you guessed it) a global pandemic that wipes out 99% of the human race, and almost all of the women. It's definitely on the Total Breakdown Of Society end of the End Of The World Novel, and it makes me want to try to read The Stand again, which is a novel I have never managed to make it past the first hundred pages of. (No shade on Stephen King--I'm just not much of a horror reader. Also no shade on horror: it's definitely me and not it.)
I also read two T. Kingfisher novels, Minor Mageand A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking, and I definitely want to introduce the protagonist of that second one to the dragon from Stephanie Burgis's The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart. They'd get on like gangbusters.