Origin of Storms excerpt! And... good news, bad news.
The good news is the excerpt, obviously. :D Which you can read here.
The other good news is that amazing cover art.
The bad news is that due to S*pply Ch*in Iss*es, the book will not be out in May as planned, but June most likely.
I can't believe this trilogy is finally done. I started these books in 2016, and they have been written to try to bring joy and grace to some of the hardest years many of us have known.
Please, please, if you liked these books, recommend them to a friend. Leave a review.
They're in a weird niche space of the fantasy landscape--there's not a lot of southeast Asian fantasy selling in the US--and despite having a hell of a time finding their market, they're very dear to my heart.
They're full of adventure, badassery, banter, LGBTQ+ and disabled characters, and they do not end the way you would expect a fantasy series about Saving The Empire to end, I promise.
And did I mention the smart-mouthed dragon?