Horse stories honestly I lost count
My elbow is still fussy, but not AS fussy, so I've managed a little light riding over the past week. Two trail rides, one with Alex and Magni, and one with Abby-the-trainer and her horse Nico. Also a little arena riding, and a longe lesson with Abby.
For the longe (pronounced "lunge") lesson, we worked on getting me posting on the correct diagonal. (A longe lesson is when the horse is on a long lead rope and is expected to move in a circle around the trainer while the trainee (me) sits on his back, trying to do some of the harder seat things without the added distraction of steering or controlling the horse's speed.)
Posting on the correct diagonal on Ormr is harder than it needs to be, because how it's supposed to work is that you rise and sit with every other stride the horse takes at the trot. This prevents you from bouncing on the horse's back, hurting him AND you.
Here's a video that explains posting on the correct diagonal: