Marshall Society: Presidential Applications & STASH

Monday 26 February 2024
Hello, apologies for the late email,
Two exciting updates - stash & presidential elections. It feels like Cambridge is in its election season and we at Marshall Society are no different, read below for more details if you're looking to level up your LinkedIn...
As always, make sure you're in the group chat!

WhatsApp Group Invite
WhatsApp Group Invite
Stash Order OPEN!
Firstly, the Marshall Society's first-ever stash order is finally ready. Please find the stash link here:
The form closes on Sunday the 3rd of March at midnight before we place orders. We have got quarter-zips, coffee cups and stash bags! So please do have a look and get something.
Presidential Applications...
Applications to be the Marshall Society's next President are open. To apply email attaching a copy of your manifesto.
Applications close on Sunday the 3rd of March at midnight and elections will be held on the weekend of the 8th/9th of March.
You must be a member of the society by the time the application window closes to both apply and vote, however, you don't need to be a current committee member to apply!
If you have any questions on the procedure/general running of the society, do drop us an email!
Ellie Breeze
Secretary 2023-2024