Marshall Society: Newsletter 92

Thursday 26 October
Good afternoon!
As we head into Week 4 of Michaelmas we have some amazing events coming up (including one tonight!) that I look forward to seeing you guys at.
This newsletter contains details of opportunities with FTI Consulting and NERA, alongside social events and the minutes from our recent Executive Committee Meeting.
First-Year Economics Advice (TODAY!!):
Come have a chat with us at our drop-in event on Thursday to get personalised advice for your economics studies! You will find us at Michaelhouse cafe between 16:00 and 18:00 on Thursday 27/10 so come have a chat!🧁

Quiz Night (TOMORROW!):
Put your Economics knowledge to the test at our Quiz Night event tomorrow! 🧠✨ Join us for a brain-teasing evening filled with exciting questions and friendly competition! From basic economic theories to current affairs and historical milestones, we will test your knowledge and expand your horizons!

Economic Consulting with NERA, Graduate and Internship Opportunities:
The Marshall Society is delighted to announce that NERA Economic Consulting is our bronze sponsor once again this year. NERA Economic Consulting represents many of the world’s most dynamic and well-known companies.
Their clients are involved in litigation and research and face complex economic questions, disputes, and topics affecting the global economy. NERA colleagues use data analytics, quantitative and qualitative research, and economic reasoning to advise clients on business and litigation matters.
NERA is hosting an event in Cambridge on Thursday 2 November 18:00-20:00 at The Pitt Building, please confirm interest by emailing your CV to
Make sure you register by Tuesday 31 October!
For more information about career opportunities at NERA please visit

FTI Case Study and Networking Opportunity:
The Marshall Society is pleased to announce FTI Consulting as our silver sponsor this year!
FTI Consulting is an independent global business advisory firm, with over 6,400 employees, dedicated to helping organisations manage change, mitigate risk, and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political, regulatory, reputational, and transactional.
They are looking for bright and motivated team players from all subject backgrounds to join them in a variety of roles within our key areas of (i) Economic & Financial Consulting, (ii) Forensic & Litigation Consulting (including Data & Analytics), (iii) Corporate Finance & Restructuring, (iv) Technology, and (v) Strategic Communications.
They are hosting a Case Study and Networking Event on Monday 6 November from 17:30-19:30, use the link below to sign up!
Executive Committee meeting minutes:
The Executive Committee held a meeting on 07 October, please see the minutes attached in the link below.
Marshall Society Executive Committee Meeting - Google Docs
Marshall Society Executive Committee Meeting 07 October 2023 Executive Committee Meeting Meeting commenced 10:45 Agenda Point 1: Order of attendance All present. Agenda Point 2: Financial and membership update Philip Al-Taiee, henceforth known as PT, stated that there have bee...
As always, any questions or concerns about anything, reply to this email or drop anyone on the committee a message!
(and make sure to follow our social media for updates about events - @marshallsociety)
Best wishes,
Ellie Breeze
Secretary 2023-2024