log files #15
Hallo zusammen,
es ist an der Zeit, Abschied zu nehmen. Abschied von deutschem Content. Ungefähr zweieinhalb Jahre habe ich nun bewusst versucht, in meiner Muttersprache zu bloggen – und darum auch den Newsletter auf Deutsch geschrieben. Manchmal (aber wirklich nur manchmal) geht das ein bisschen schneller, und bei deutschsprachigen Nachrichten passt es auch irgendwie, aber in der Regel fühlt es sich unnatürlich an. Not that my English is particularly great, I’m not claiming to speak (or rather write) better English than German. But my mind works in English during most of the day. 90% of the content I consume is English. I’m talking to most of my friends in English, even to some of my relatives. Yes, even when they are Germans themselves.
Considering that I’m more comfortable with it myself and that everyone I’m communicating with is perfectly able to understand English but not all understand German, it just makes more sense for me to go back to writing in English. That was way overdue, I suppose there’s two things that gave me the final push:
1) The launch of Lastcast.fm (more on that below) further increasing the amount of my English communication.
2) Recently I got back into streaming a bit more regularly, and I came to the same conclusion there – I almost can’t do it in German. Trying to stick to a Mondays and Fridays @ 7pm schedule, come hang out some time! ✌️
Anyone need some HDDs? After recently upgrading my gaming pc I’ve also finally disassembled my old NAS and some other things I don’t really need anymore. Now I just need to put all of it onto Kleinanzeigen, can’t wait…
New blog posts
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
Last time I praised Humankind as the “best book I’ve read all year”. Difficult Conversations is a very different book, but it’s just as good. I like telling myself that I’m the only person on the planet who dreads difficult conversations, but even if that was be true, I’d still be certain that anyone could benefit a lot from this book.
Summer Games Done Quick 2020
If you already know what speedrunning is, here is a list of recent runs I can heartily recommend. If you don’t: Just go through the list, pick a game you like or are interested in and watch for a little. Chances are, you might enjoy it.
Smaller posts
After seven long seasons Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finally say goodbye – it was a good ending to an okay series. Plus, I finally rewatched Outbreak (1995), because Corona isn’t stressful enough already.
We finally launched Lastcast.fm!
About a year ago, not too long after we made annoying.technology public, Philipp and I decided to tackle an ever bigger project together. You can read the longer version on our blog post about the launch, the short version is: When people ask me what podcasts I’m listening to, I can now finally just answer with this link to a curated list.
Don’t worry if you don’t get it or don’t see the appeal – it’s a very small niche, not many people care as much about podcasts (regular reminder, please don’t listen to podcasts on Spotify if you do care) and data collection at the same time as we do. Nevertheless, in the few days since we launched last Monday, we’ve already gotten more signups than expected. Maybe it’s actually useful to more people than just us two nerds. 🤓
So what do you do when you released a new album in early 2020 and couldn’t finish your tour thanks to Corona? Go right back into the studio and just produce another album, apparently. I recommended Antilopen Gang in my very first newsletter when their initial 2020 album was still fresh, and now I’v been pumping their second 2020 album, Adrenochrom, all week long. The best track for me so far is #11, Pack It Up. 🤘