Welcome to this newsletter!
Welcome to this newsletter!
┌ What is the purpose of this newsletter?
With this newsletter, you will find resources regarding the use of operating systems based on the illumos kernel.
Coming from FreeBSD, but having been a user of Openindiana for a few years now, and OmniOSce more recently, I wish to make my modest contribution to these operating systems by providing examples of common configuration procedures to as many people as possible.
Indeed, when I adopted illumos, like many others, I lacked resources to adapt what I already knew how to do on FreeBSD/Linux to distributions based on illumos.
May this very modest newsletter help some to progress more quickly and approach this universe with more confidence.
Finally, without claiming to hold any truth about the configurations I present (we never stop learning), I hope at the very least that they will allow curious administrators to come and explore and test the illumos universe.
┌ Why OmniOSce and OpenIndiana only?
First of all, I apologize regarding Tribblix and other distributions.
It's not that I have any value judgment against the distribution or its brilliant creator; the reason is simply that I have not yet had the time to test them.
I initially started with OpenIndiana (because my laptop runs on OpenIndiana), then I became interested in OmniOSce, to which I provide some modest financial support.
Maintaining configuration procedures for two distributions that still have considerable differences requires time.
Over the past three years, I maintained a blog for my students. This blog contained nearly 900 articles, configurations, remarks, and training exercises, covering over 10 different operating systems.
Its maintenance was extremely time-consuming, and I was entirely alone in managing it. Therefore, I decided to focus on a simple newsletter exclusively about illumos to finally have a bit of breathing room!
┌ What will I sent?
I'll try to send :
- daily report changes in the main repositories of OmniOSce (r151048 core/extra & SFE)
- daily report changes in the main repositories of OpenIndiana (hipster/hipster-encumbered & SFE)
- daily report changes in SmartOS pkgsrc repository
- basic configurations on OmniOSce and OpenIndiana
┌ Find me?
If you wish to contact me (for example : in order to get all the letters already sent), you can find me under the pseudonym 'majekla' on unitedbsd.com
I'm, of course, open to any criticism and suggestions for new configurations or news regarding the illumos world, which I continue to explore and learn about daily.
I wish you happy exploring!