Installing MariaDB on OmniOSce
Open a terminal and switch to root
su -
Install MariaDB
pkg install pkg:/ooce/database/mariadb-1011 && sleep 5
svcadm enable svc:/ooce/database/mariadb1011:default && sleep 10
Start mysql with the 'mysql -uroot' usual command or do directly from the shell : ┌
Create your first database
mysqladmin -uroot create "mywonderfulbase"
Create a privileged user for managing the mywonderfulbase database
mysql -uroot -e"CREATE USER 'mygreatuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'superpassword'"
mysql -uroot -e"GRANT ALL ON \`mywonderfulbase\`.* TO 'mygreatuser'@'localhost'"
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