Install additional repositories on OmniOS ce and OpenIndiana
Open a terminal and switch to root
su -
Install pkgsrc repository
- Have a look at
(same installation process for OmniOSce and OpenIndiana)
cd /tmp && BOOTSTRAP_TAR="bootstrap-trunk-x86_64-20240116.tar.gz" && BOOTSTRAP_SHA="4d92a333587d9dcc669ff64264451ca65da701b7" && curl -O${BOOTSTRAP_TAR} && tar -zxpf ${BOOTSTRAP_TAR} -C / && sed -i 's/PATH=\(.*\)/PATH=\1:\/opt\/local\/sbin:\/opt\/local\/bin/' /etc/default/login && cd /tmp && UPGRADE_TAR="bootstrap-trunk-x86_64-20240116-upgrade.tar.gz" && UPGRADE_SHA="3099211460e84c34b9f558c8f7354a871187be41" && curl -O${UPGRADE_TAR} && tar -zxpf ${UPGRADE_TAR} -C / && echo 'export PATH=/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:$PATH' >> /etc/profile && echo 'export MANPATH=/opt/local/man:$MANPATH' >> /etc/profile
alias pkg_add=/opt/local/sbin/pkg_add ; alias pkgin=/opt/local/bin/pkgin
pkg_add -U pkg_install pkgin libarchive && pkgin clean && pkgin -y upgrade
- Please log off and log in to refresh
- Use the following commands :
# Search for a package
pkgin search PACKAGE
# Install a package
pkgin -y in PACKAGE
# Remove a package
pkgin -y remove PACKAGE
#Update all packages installed via the pkgsrc repository
pkgin -y upgrade
# List the files deployed during the installation of a package
pkgin pkg-content PACKAGE
Install SFE repository
- Have a look at
(for OmniOS ce :)
pfexec pkg set-publisher -G '' -g localhostomnios
(for OpenIndiana :)
pfexec pkg set-publisher -G '' -g localhostoih
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