Upcoming talks & events
We are really looking forward to our book launch events in May and June, and also want to let you know about some earlier events where we are each speaking:
- March 18, 2025: Alex will speaking virtually about The AI Con at the Milner Library at Illinois State University.
- March 25, 2025: Emily will be participating in the Computer History Museum's Great Chatbot Debate where the question is "Do LLMs really understand?" and the other side will be taken up by OpenAI's Sébastian Bubeck. You might remember him as the lead author the "Sparks of AGI" paper which we took apart in Episode 11 of the podcast. Tickets for the debate are free, and both in-person and virtual attendance is possible!
- March 27, 2025: Alex will be talking about The AI Con at Lafayette College as part of their "Can AI Generate IDEAs? Navigating the Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access" speaker series.
- April 2-3, 2024: Alex will be at Purdue's Tech Justice Lab, first for a workshop on April 2, and later for a keynote. If you're at Purdue, they are also having a zine and button-making party on March 28.
- April 16, 2025: Emily will give a keynote at AI and the Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Symposium at Illinois State University, with the title "Resisting Dehumanization in the Age of "AI": The View from the Humanities" If you are nearby Normal, IL, please sign up!
And here is the lovely graphic that the design team at HarperCollins made with all the info for our book talks:

Further details available at thecon.ai
Our book, The AI Con, is out on May 13, 2025, but you can pre-order it now where ever fine books are sold!
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