About Lurking
My book, Lurking, comes out this February and I hope you will check it out. If you enjoy All My Stars you will like this book. (The book is a lot better than my newsletter.) It is a look at the last thirty years of online communities and online identities; what went wrong and what might still turn around or finally go right.
If you’d like to preorder the book—first, that’s very kind of you—it’s a preorder pick at The Writer’s Block bookstore in Las Vegas, which offers a 15% off discount. You can also preorder from any independent bookstore or request a copy for your library. You’ll get the book and you’ll get to look at the loud, lovable, kooky cover up close.
If you might like for me to come talk about the book with your class or company, please send me an email. I’m scheduling events now. Anywhere in the Northeast is easy, but I also plan on visiting Portland, Atlanta, Las Vegas, LA, and probably San Francisco early next year.
If you’d like to hear more about the book, Jonathan Lethem quotes from it and discusses it in his review of Edward Snowden’s memoir in the latest issue of the New York Review of Books. (Which lead to this delightful, sort of shoutout from Snowden on Twitter.)
I set up this newsletter for personal updates and news about the book. Please subscribe, preorder, or add Lurking to your Goodreads to-read digital stacks.
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