Web dev links #5: Alt text, CSS deep dives, and tools for building apps
More than you ever wanted to know about font loading on the web
The title pretty much explains it!
My current tech stack
Over the summer I worked on a couple of side projects and I thought it'd be useful to document what my go-to tools are for building a web app in 2021. It's amazingly easy to throw together a working prototype these days.
Writing great alt text: Emotion matters
Writing alt text well is something I feel I've never really cracked. Jake Archibald has a few good tips for improving alt text and incorporating context.
Practical Uses of CSS Math Functions: calc, clamp, min, max
Another aptly named article 😉. Stephanie Eckles' website is a treasure trove of great CSS tips and tutorials.
The world of CSS transforms
This article is an amazing primer on CSS transforms. Each explanation has a great little interactive example and it makes it really clear just how it's all working under the hood of the browser.
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