Hello, Bottleshippers!
One quick dispatch before the end of the month to let you know that
my current Kickstarter is closing in
three short days! If you haven't had a chance to check out
100 Demon Dialogues, today's a great day to do so. (And if you've already pledged, a) THANK YOU and b) Perhaps you'd consider sharing a tweet or telling a friend? That would be amazing.)
I'm exceedingly thrilled with how the campaign has gone so far, and totally over the moon about how the little plush demons turned out. JUST LOOK AT THIS GUY:

Thanks to all of you for being so supportive and enthusiastic. I can't wait to make these new books with your help.
Another couple items of note:
- I got to do a great live stream event with Jessica Abel (one of my comics and storytelling idols) about self-doubt, creative practice, and crowdfunding. You can watch the replay right here.
- I also returned to the Gutter Talk Podcast after two and half years(!!!) to catch up with Adam Greenfield about some big-picture career stuff. It's totally staggering to realize how much has happened in such a relatively short window. (If you want to listen to the first episode as well, here it is.)
- Finally, if you're in Portland, the Kickstarter Wrap Party is happening this coming Monday, July 31st from 8-10pm at Base Camp Brewing. If you're not in town, but still want to join in the festivities, you can tune in live through Kickstarter from 9:30-10pm PDT, or complete your own demon drawing worksheet! Here's the invite:

Okay, that's it for me! I'll leave you with this very entertaining quiz of
Fake-Sounding Real Nautical Terms or Actually Fake Nautical Terms.
Talk to you next month, everyone!