Hello, friends—
It's a balmy summer evening in Portland, and I'm catching my breath between trips away from home. The breakneck pace of travel this year is keeping me on my toes. Here's what's new!
I've uploaded three new panel recordings from my trips to TCAF and VanCAF: Finding a Niche in Comics (with Kate Beaton, Lisa Hanawalt, and Erika Moen), Historical Comics (with Kris Sayer, Steve LeCouilliard, Jonathon Dalton, Tony Cliff, and Rachel Kahn), and How to Start Self-Publishing your Comics (with Kevin Czap, Hazel Newlevant, Raighne Hogan, and Rachael Kahn). I also appeared on a live episode recording of the Sneaky Dragon Podcast, which you can find here.
Still trucking along with The 100 Day Project! Here's an update on that (now a couple days out-of-date, but close enough):

If you're interested in reading recommendations, I recently finished The Hustle Economy, edited by Jason Oberholtzer. It's a splendid collection of practical essays on crafting an unconventional career in the internet age. Lots of hands-on advice, lots of different perspectives, and a lot of stuff that rang really true for me. Also The Taste of Conquest by Michael Krondl—a wide-ranging historical account of three great European cities of spice.
- I drew some comics about Fun Times on Tylenol PM while I was away in Canada (I caught a cold).
My very wise studiomate Steve Lieber wrote up some thoughts about focus, energy, and momentum in a cartoonist's career. Steve's a gem, and I always sit up and listen when he starts sharing stuff like this. (As he suggests with bringing in help: I hired my friend Heather Cummings to help me with the graphics for this tour when I started panicking about getting them done in time. It's work I am technically capable of doing myself, but having a collaborator made all the difference in my mental well-being. Just because you're an independent creator, doesn't mean you must to everything yourself. I'm still learning this one.)
My first Kickstarted comics project True Believer is currently pay-what-you-will on Gumroad, if you'd like to read it!
Phew! What a bundle of things. I hope all is well with you out there, Newsletter Family. Do you have exciting summer plans? Are you grilling fabulous meats and/or vegetables? I hope so. I'm going to go eat fried plantains and prepare some more social media stuff for my book tour.
Love and boats and comics,