July 6, 2023
🦀 June Scuttlebutt
Welcome, shipmates, to June's Scuttlebutt roundup!
This email is a quick digest of everything I've published to my website and Patreon since I last wrote. The rapid proliferation of new platforms in the wake of Twitter's decline has this channel feeling more valuable than ever. Thank you for trusting me with some space in your inbox.
(If you’d rather just stick with my infrequent Bottleship essays, simply email me and let me know you’d like to opt out of Scuttlebutt. You’ll only receive Bottleships moving forward.)
On Patreon:
It is good to have both A comic about getting glasses and having feelings about getting glasses. [Patron-only]
Serpentine Launching on Wednesday!
Plus some other news about my recent doings. [Public]
## On the blog:
The Island These things happen all the time, so what undergirds the idea that they're aberrant?
Father’s Day 2023 Marking the occasion.
Four Reading Rhymes "You're a phantom in both worlds and a god of sorts in the world that is not exactly the one the author wrote but some hybrid of her imagination and yours."
Serpentine "Sunshine permeates. Blooming permeates. Celebration permeates. Refuge permeates."
Inventory Taking stock of tools for creative synthesis.
## And that's it!
The only other crucial news is that there are now _several_ monarch caterpillars happily munching away on the milkweed I planted for them last year. It makes me very happy. 
See you next time!