Greetings, subscribers!
I hope this finds you all facing down the coming months with clear eyes and excited notions about where you're headed in the 2016. To help you on your way, here's the first of my monthly tidbit-based missives. This is just a loose collection of things that I've made or found fascinating in recent memory—enjoy!

- This MetaFilter discussion of whether splinters from cannon fire really killed more sailors than direct combat engagement is completely insane and wonderful. (Also: every time one of my comics has been linked on MetaFilter I'm just SO IMPRESSED with how nice their users are. It's like a convention full of smart, reasonable, kind Internet Humans just saying thoughtful, loving things about one's work. Well played, MetaFilter. Well played.)
- Baggywrinkles: a Lubber's Guide to Life at Sea—the collection of comics I Kickstarted last summer—is finally out in its digital incarnation! I'm so, so, so thrilled with how the coloring and book design came together thanks to Joey Weiser, Michele Chidester, and Allyson Haller—rockstars, the lot of them. You can download a copy of your very own right here.
- After getting totally obsessed with seeing (and documenting) the font Brothers at use in many contexts around town, my pal Ariana sent me a link to this beautiful website called Fonts in Use. It does what I was doing in my crazed, Twitter-based way, but, y'know, properly.
- Slightly at odds with the release of this newsletter, I wrote and drew a short piece about balancing emotional strife with social media presence over on my Patreon page. Funnily enough drawing this comic and letting people know where I've been released a lot of the anxiety around letting The Internet know I was "okay"—even if I wasn't. I've been welcoming the relative silence, but it's also a very meaningful thing to bare one's belly and say "hey, things aren't great right now" and have that be met with resonance and understanding.
- I read a whole bunch of books in 2015 (64, to be exact!) and wrote a blog post about my favorites.
- I'm currently listening to Jessica Abel's Out on the Wire podcast, which is a huge treat if you're in the business of telling stories, or simply have an interest in how they get made.
- I will never stop watching this video.
That's probably enough to kick off your third week in January, right? Sounds good. I'll be back next month with more tasty nibbles.
Keep swimming,
P.S. Thank you for being here!
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