Hey Shipmates,
Sneaking in under the wire here to give you an end-of-the-month update! The biggest news is that I'm thiiiiiis close to finishing my bonkers run of 2016/2017 travel and settling into Life in Portland No Really I Swear No More Travel Except Maybe That One Show I Love Okay Make it Two Shows, etc. But before then...

- Those of you heading to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con this week can find me in Artist Alley at Table H-9. I'm also appearing on a panel all about turning your weird passions into sustainable creative careers on Thursday from 3pm-4pm in WSCC 604. If you come by the table and say you're a subscriber, I'll have a special secret zine to give you! (The rest of my 2017 appearances so far have been added to my website, too.)
- Can't make the show? I've reopened my online store after a holiday hiatus! Lots of comics and treats to be had in there.
- If you're looking for things to listen to, I really enjoyed this episode of Call Your Girlfriend with illustrator Wendy MacNaughton. It's got talks about financial transparency, setting boundaries, and the power of friendship—all things I've been thinking about. Also: this episode of the Creative Pep Talk Podcast, which addresses the idea of "personal brand" from a realistic (and human) perspective. Remember: "It's not a mask—it's a boundary."
- My pal Wick Perry is currently Kickstarting a videogame about NEUROSCIENCE! As a visual learner, I've really enjoyed using it to better understand how brains work, and making silly critters in the process. Today only he's having an anonymous donor match pledges to the campaign, so hop on board if you're interested. There's just nine days to go.
- I recently came back to Ursula K. LeGuin's essay on the Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction and found it more intriguing than ever. Reading fervor is starting to take hold of me again. Got recommendations? Tweet ’em at me.
- If you've ever been curious about the tools I use as a traveling cartoonist, there's now a big ol' interview up on The Setup all about that very thing. Pens, paper, technology, headlamps—they've got it all.
And I'm done! Keep being great out there. I hope to see some of you in person in Seattle next week.
Love and boats and comics,