Hello, Bottleshippers!
...Shipbottles? Shippy Botts? Perhaps I should take this back to the drawing board.
The excitement keeps on coming this month, so I figured I should write you all another quick update with some tasty morsels before September rushes by in a cloud of autumnal leaves and pencil shavings.
Here's what's good:

- The Baggywrinkles release party is happening TONIGHT from 6-10pm at Floating World Comics here in Portland. I would so love to see you all there. I hear there will be people in costume and books for sale and there's original art up for show and I am bringing three bags of Pirate Booty snacks because come on why wouldn't I do that. It's gonna be a hoot. Details are here.
- This deeply nerdy discussion of the distinction between uncut, untrimmed, and unopened pages in old manuscripts is so far up my alley I'm moving in and calling it home.
- I had a great chat with Aaron Williams on the Comics Manifest podcast about fear, motivation, and kindness way back when I was hiding out with Danielle Corsetto in West Virginia in June. The episode is finally live, along with many other interviews with excellent creators, and you can listen in here!
- I took some time out of my trip to Boston to explore the Harvard Museum of Natural History. The Glass Flowers exhibit, recommended by my lovely friend Mara Zepeda, must be seen to be believed. I couldn't even try to draw the Blaschka's exquisite models, because they are perfect in every way. A true demonstration of craft and excellence. So I drew a lot of taxidermied animals and then wrote an essay for my supporters on Patreon about why museums scare the shit out of me instead.
- The final edition of XOXO, an experimental arts festival centered around independence, creativity, and making things happen on the internet, is fast approaching here in Portland, and I'm really thrilled to announce that I'm on the speaking roster. The lineup is unreal, and I'm so excited/terrified/delighted to be included among folks who have inspired me for years. If you're going, see you in the audience. If you're not, don't fret! All the talks will be recorded and released online for everyone to enjoy after the show.
- My week of sailing aboard the Oliver Hazard Perry was FAAAAAABULOUS. Here's a look at the ship under full sail (taken from a rescue boat full of squealing sailors, because we don't often get the chance to see her from the outside like this while we're underway) and a selection of the 16-page comic I started work on while I was there. You can keep an eye out for updates on that through Patreon or Twitter. It should be finished before the end of October.
- On the horizon: I've got two conventions left in 2016, so if you've missed me so far, here's the scoop! I'll be at SPX (the Small Press Expo) in Bethesda, MD on September 17th and 18th at Table L14, debuting my 100 Day Project collection A Life in Objects. I'll also be all the way across the sea in Leeds, England for Thought Bubble on November 5th and 6th. My table for Thought Bubble is in New Dock Hall, though I don't have table number yet so I'll announce that closer to the date.
Lotta news! Lotta excitement! If you can't make it to the release party tonight, but would like to snag a copy of
Baggywrinkles, you can preorder it through Amazon
here, or get a special hardcover edition
straight from my shop.
That's all for now! See you at the party!
Love and boats and comics,