Hello, friends and shipmates!
The summer convention season is beginning to pick up, and there's lots to share. Here are some choice morsels from the last few weeks:

- My first real book, Baggywrinkles: a Lubber's Guide to Life at Sea, will be making its debut at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this weekend! There's a bunch of preview photos from the book and some general news updates on the printing process (including a photo of yours truly with 409 sketched-on bookplates!) right here.
- If you take a look at that Kickstarter update, you'll notice that I'm planning an East Coast book tour in June! Expect more concrete news about that in the next newsletter, but in the meantime: do you live between Portland, ME and Washington, DC? Want to see me at your local shop? Drop me a line and let me know: lucypcbellwood@gmail.com
- I got to spend a weekend visiting Juneau, Alaska for the first time as part of the Alaska Robotics Mini-Con and Artist Camp. There was a delightful one-day comics festival, followed by three days of workshops and friends and ADVENTURES IN THE WILDERNESS (pictured below). I haven't found the time yet to write about what a meaningful experience the whole affair was, but I really loved this recap from fellow camper David Malki! of Wondermark.
- My friend Jason, source of all things fascinating and obscure, turned me on to this amazing musical project transcribing Moby-Dick into music. The result is, as you might expect, haunting and strange.
- I've started posting exclusive monthly educational videos for my $10 Patrons. The first one is up now and discusses social media guidelines for creators of all stripes, including how to generate ideas if you're totally stymied about how to behave on Twitter. Future entries will include interviews with other creators, specialty topics, and requested tutorials, so if you've been itching to learn more about some aspect of my process or career path, feel free to make a request.
- Speaking of Patreon, you can hear me talking about how it's impacted my life on the Deconstructing Comics Podcast this week!
- Aaand finally I've been chugging along on my version of The 100 Day Project, where I'm illustrating and writing about 100 objects in my possession between now and July 27th—I just hit Day 21 today! Three weeks and counting. It's been really valuable to have a small creative act to complete every day. Keeps me moving forward.
Phew! Hectic times, my friends. If you're around Toronto, ON or Vancouver, BC in the next two weeks, please do come out and say hello at
VanCAF! I can't wait to be back in Canada again.
Fair winds,