Lucy Bellwood's Bottleship
🦀 December Scuttlebutt
December 23, 2024
Welcome, shipmates, to December's Scuttlebutt blog post roundup! This feature started as a way to capture everything I'd published to my website and Patreon...
🪸 Bottleship: The Reef
October 29, 2024
Selfishly, I’m just happy to talk about my friend.
🌊 Autumn Bottleship
October 8, 2024
Somehow, there’s still water in the river, which feels like a gift.
🌊 Spring Bottleship
March 6, 2024
Hey, everyone— It's spring and I haven't sent a newsletter in forever so I'm going to do my best to keep this brief. Narcissus is a good smell. Three tidbits...
🦀 June Scuttlebutt
July 6, 2023
Welcome, shipmates, to June's Scuttlebutt roundup! This email is a quick digest of everything I've published to my website and Patreon since I last wrote....
🌊 Summer Bottleship
June 27, 2023
Caw caw! (That's "Hi, it's me, Lucy Bellwood," in Hawk.) The Solstice has come and gone, leaving us awash in the tick-tick-tick of the burner before the gas...
🦀 May Scuttlebutt
May 5, 2023
Welcome, shipmates, to May's Scuttlebutt blog post roundup! These emails are a short and sweet collection of everything I've published to my blog and Patreon...
🦀 April Scuttlebutt
April 3, 2023
Welcome, shipmates, to April’s Scuttlebutt blog post roundup! If you missed the first installment at the beginning of March, this newsletter is an...
🦀 March Scuttlebutt
March 6, 2023
A monthly roundup of posts from my haunts around the web
🌊 Winter Bottleship, 2022/2023
January 23, 2023
Lessons from the flood.
🌊 February Bottleship
March 3, 2022
Bottleshipmates! It's me, Lucy Bellwood, delivering another infrequent missive to your inboxes. (If you'd like to disembark for any reason, there's an easy...
🌊 Autumnal Bottleship
November 9, 2021
Ahoy friends! I hope you've all been keeping well since my last dispatch in May. (May?! May. Wow.) I'm Lucy Bellwood and this is my very intermittent...
🌊 The Bottleship Resurfaces
May 1, 2021
Friends! Hello. It’s me, Adventure Cartoonist Lucy Bellwood, back in your inboxes after a long spell of silence. Those of you who joined up more recently may...
July Bottleship
July 13, 2019
Hello, friends— It's so nice to be writing to you again! It's been a minute. Well, seven months of minutes. You're all so much taller and wiser and possess...
December Bottleship
December 17, 2018
Greetings, friends— I hope this belated Bottleship finds you well. It’s a rare, misty sort of day in my hometown of Ojai, California—a place that was very...
November Bottleship
November 13, 2018
Here are some things I've been appreciating now that I'm done traveling for the year: I get to hear the familiar harmonizing whistle of my teakettle every...
October Bottleship
October 11, 2018
Hello, friends. I hope this Bottleship finds you feeling nourished as the seasons change. It's blazing with autumnal sunshine in Portland today. I arrived...
August Bottleship
August 1, 2018
Hello from Ojai, friends far and wide! I'm spending a week at home with my parents here in California before I launch into the next leg of my tour. It's...
July Bottleship
July 11, 2018
Hi friends! I'm home in Portland, which feels surreal given the events of the past month. I read Tricia Lockwood's take on being on tour somewhere between...
June Bottleship
June 1, 2018
Hello, wonderful humans— This is a big one for me. I've spent the last month planning the first half of my 2018 tour, and it's finally kicking off this week....
May Bottleship
May 8, 2018
A sudden downpour left me biking home unprepared today, a fresh case of business cards clutched to my chest for fear of ruining a perfectly good print job....
April Bottleship
April 1, 2018
Hello, everyone! Here we are in April, and Portland is exploding with fragrance and color. The Double Gean cherry outside my window is covered in cloud-like...
February Bottleship
February 1, 2018
Hello, friends! The most important update I have for you this month is that the daphne bushes in our neighborhood have finally started to bloom, which means...
January Bottleship
January 8, 2018
Hello, Ships and Bottles! WELP, it's a new year. Even though we're all carrying our fair share of scrapes and bruises from 2017, it's important to remember...
December Bottleship
December 3, 2017
Hello, new readers and old. I can hardly believe we're almost at the end of another year. If you'd like to get straight to the links, feel free to scroll...
Autumn Bottleship
November 1, 2017
Greetings, friends and fans! (And a special hello to all you new folks joining us after the deluge of press for my Art of the Sailor posters on Boing Boing,...
Summer Bottleship
August 31, 2017
Greetings, friends— What a month it's been. Good things and bad, all mixed together, all happening at once. I hope you are all safe and cared for out there....
New Comics and Plushies Ahoy
July 27, 2017
Hello, Bottleshippers! One quick dispatch before the end of the month to let you know that my current Kickstarter is closing in three short days! If you...
July Bottleship: 100 Demon Dialogues Edition
July 13, 2017
Hello, friends! This is an extra-special newsletter installment to let you know that... 🎉 I'M MAKING A NEW BOOK! AND A PLUSH TOY! 🎉 In the time it's taken me...
May/June Bottleship
June 18, 2017
Greetings, shipmates— I write this month with a double digest of new project announcements, recordings, and other sundry goods. I just got back from Festival...
April Bottleship
April 27, 2017
Ahoy friends! It's been a busy month for me, what with MoCCA in New York, Comics Camp in Alaska, and now a week at home with my folks in California. (Didn't...
March Bottleship
March 21, 2017
Greetings, shipmates! Spring is seriously here in the Pacific Northwest, and I'm going out my gourd with joy at all the new flowering plant action. The...
February Bottleship
February 25, 2017
Hey Shipmates, Sneaking in under the wire here to give you an end-of-the-month update! The biggest news is that I'm thiiiiiis close to finishing my bonkers...
January Bottleship
January 26, 2017
Hey friends, Long time no see! It's been a busy couple months—lots going on in the world, at home, and everywhere else. I hope you're all fighting the good...
November Bottleship
November 26, 2016
Hi, friends. I'm so glad I get to write to you today. It's been a hell of a month. The world is a scary-feeling place right now. I've been wanting to write...
October Bottleship
October 23, 2016
Fall is here, Ships and Bottles! First off: if you'd like to see me in person, you've got one more chance in 2016. I'll be at the Thought Bubble Festival in...
August Bottleship
August 31, 2016
Hello, Bottleshippers! ...Shipbottles? Shippy Botts? Perhaps I should take this back to the drawing board. HI. The excitement keeps on coming this month, so...
Summer Bottleship
August 14, 2016
Greetings, friends! I am writing to you from the aft cabin on the Oliver Hazard Perry, a stunning Class A [Read: VERY BIG] sail training vessel currently...
May Bottleship
May 30, 2016
Hello, friends— It's a balmy summer evening in Portland, and I'm catching my breath between trips away from home. The breakneck pace of travel this year is...
April/May Bottleship
May 8, 2016
Hello, friends and shipmates! The summer convention season is beginning to pick up, and there's lots to share. Here are some choice morsels from the last few...
(Slightly Belated) March Bottleship
April 3, 2016
Sun! Sun is here in Portland! Oh my friends what a difference it makes. I've moved my bed back under the east-facing window in my room, and I slept with the...
February Bottleship: The pitcher cries for water to carry
February 21, 2016
Hello, friends! The tiny irises I planted last fall are thrusting up from the earth. Spring is coming, ever-so-slowly, to Portland. I find myself...
January Bottleship
January 17, 2016
Greetings, subscribers! I hope this finds you all facing down the coming months with clear eyes and excited notions about where you're headed in the 2016. To...
Welcome Aboard
November 17, 2015
Hello, friends! For some time now I've been toying with the idea of launching a monthly(ish) newsletter to collect details about my doings in the world....