February at Luck Dragon
Hello again! Our donation-based yarn sale is on through Friday. All proceeds go to Heart of the Catskills.
See luckdragon.space for full listings and class registration links.
Saturday February 15: Intro to Collagraph Printmaking with Celia Buchanan
This is a simple relief-style printing technique where texture and form are created by applying various materials including card, paper, plastic, glue, and string, etc. to a rigid substrate. It’s part printing part collage.
Saturday February 22: Soldering for Small Electronics with Brian Crabtree
Build and take home a noisy sound machine while learning a wide range of soldering skills. We've designed a circuit which includes through-hole, surface mount, and wire lug techniques. We'll also demonstrate methods for repair and salvage.
Saturday January 25: Repair Cafe
Free community event where you bring your broken but beloved items, and volunteer repair coaches help you fix them!
Off we go.