Love.Law.Robots. May 2021
Hi ,
I've been silent since September, when I welcomed a new addition to my family (Baby Cillian says hi!) How was your new normal?
Love.Law.Robots. has moved!
During my period of absence, I have been doing some thinking about how to deliver the contents of this blog in a better way. Quite frankly, a monthly roundup does not seem useful enough.
To cut to the chase, I have moved this blog from a Hugo + GitHub + DigitalOcean platform to Ghost. I believe the main perk is that it integrates with email subscribers like yourself, so you would receive more posts, including this subscriber exclusive newsletter.
You can already check out the new site here.
I have taken the liberty of moving my subscribers here to the new platform. You can try logging in with your email address (there are no passwords) and checking out the members welcome page and the subscription policy.
You might notice that it is now possible to pay for memberships. It's not my intention to monetise you, as a large section of the site remains free for subscribers. However, knowing that you have contributed to the site makes it a lot harder for me to conscionably go on a 9 month hiatus!
As always, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions on the move.
Give the new site a shot!
I might not have sent out a newsletter for a while, but I did write some new stuff. Use the powers of your new membership to log in and check them out if you have not already.
- Will increased penalties lead to Greater Compliance with the PDPA?: The new revisions to the PDPA may have become effective already in February 2021, but the increased penalties have not been enacted yet. Penalties have always attracted lots of attention, but does it make a difference? Looking hard at how it has been enforced suggests a different story.
- If I sound disillusioned with penalties, a PDPC decision that has been hiding under the radar during the pandemic probably strengthens my conclusion that its place should be limited in the future.
- I tried to migrate my docassemble from AWS to DigitalOcean and learnt some valuable things about the administering a docassemble system along the way.
- A maid abuse case in Singapore raises the uncomfortable possibility of evil in our society. Would using the criminal law deal with or obscure the underlying issues?
Photo by Ethan Brooke on Unsplash
That’s it!
I hope you enjoyed this month’s newsletter. As always, you can reply to this email to let me know if you have any comments.
Now that the move is complete, this would probably be the last newsletter I would be sending in this format. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I am sure I will see you again in the next one.