Love.Law.Robots. July 2020
Hi ,
Here's to July 2020, another month of working from home
To the little victories
I attended the Bucerius Legal Technology Essentials' main event -- A presentation by Law Technology extraordinaire, Richard Susskind. It was worth staying up. One of the most memorable takeaways from Mr Susskind's presentation is an anecdote where new executives to Black and Decker are asked what the company sells. The answer? Not power tools, but holes in the wall. For lawyers, perhaps our product is not in our judgment or advice, but dealing with uncertainty. Admittedly, sitting in front of a lawyer on an hourly basis is not the only way to deal with risk.
If you are enjoying online conferences like I do, more options are on the way. I am eyeing Singapore's TechLawFest 2020 and LegalGeek's Legal Geek Conference.
Here's to your little victory.
PDPA Amendments in Focus
OK, the elections and courses have been a distraction. Still, I have finally started writing about the various amendments to the PDPA.
In July, the first of these articles was published: “Making sense of the latest PDPA amendments to the Consent Obligation”. It covers changes to deemed consent and exceptions in the PDPA.
Unfortunately, this area remains relatively complicated. I had fun though creating a flowchart to explain it easily. The cover picture features one of its steps. Do click on the link to the article to get a copy and let me know if you have any comments on it!
I intend to publish more articles on this issue, so please check back on the main article from time to time.
Other Musings
- In What I won't build, I penned down some quick thoughts on the ethical use of natural language processing
- Here's a way to look at innovation for the always busy person: How to decide where to spend your energies. If a task saves half an hour every week, you can contribute five days on the solution. That's enough time to write and test code!
- I spend a lot of time reading web analytics, and tried out Matomo. If you're looking for a privacy-focused and straightforward web analytics solution for your blog, this is a pretty good one!
That’s it!
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