September 27, 2023 Links 21-25 | Levi's Link List It's that time of year where everyone has cute romantic songs about autumn leaves running through their heads An Orthodox perspective on the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture How do you pronounce Moog? Tempted to use this for background noise This looks promising! A step in the direction of backyard nukes? Read more: Links 16–20 — Levi's Link List This is my eutopia and I dare you to misunderstand what I mean by that The single best Foil Arms and Hog sketch “…The excitement of grainy film, of bleached-... Levi's Link List 26-30 “Blood in the Machine,” argues that Luddism stood not against technology per se but for the rights of workers in the face of automation Random Dutch thing of... Don't miss what's next. Subscribe to Levi's Link List: Subscribe