March 2, 2024 Levi's Link List 81-85 "Let's use a chat bot; it'll save us money" I wonder if Monroe realised/knew that the Dutch are behind both Hot take on decaf I think drummers get a bad rap sometimes, like they are inferior musicians Came for the drones, stayed for the Dutch accents (thanks, Ryan) Read more: Levi's Link List 76-80 Gotta love lullaby covers of the loudest songs (thanks Tyson)The secret Italian way to make coffeeThe entry for #2804 is almost better than... Levi's Link List 86-90 Tag yourselfThis is my favourite comical map ever, and that was a hard decision to makeNever calling my kid a goof again (thanks, Ryan)Came for the brass 'n'... Don't miss what's next. Subscribe to Levi's Link List: Subscribe