February 18, 2024 Levi's Link List 76-80 Gotta love lullaby covers of the loudest songs (thanks Tyson)The secret Italian way to make coffeeThe explainxkcd.com entry for #2804 is almost better than the comic itselfSome of these I knew (like Mars) but some are a complete shocker (PageRank!?) (thanks Ryan)"The lake has a concrete dam at the western end, constructed in 1999 to replace an earth dam which had existed since time immemorial" (thanks Matt) Read more: Levi's Link List 71-75 Now tracker-free! Word of the day: fakelore BRB watching a movie in the terminal (Thanks Ryan.) By some definitions, WWI was fought, in part, on Canadian... Levi's Link List 81-85 "Let's use a chat bot; it'll save us money" I wonder if Monroe realised/knew that the Dutch are behind both Hot take on decaf I think drummers get a bad rap... Don't miss what's next. Subscribe to Levi's Link List: Subscribe