June 5, 2024 Levi's Link List 101-105 Sorry in advance to my friends who disagree with but I think I agree with Linus' take here, shockingly enough Flashback to wild times Reading about Dunbar's Number and wondering how many relationships I have Dutch band of the day Self-plug: Jackson's Lord of the Rings as Serialised Content Read more: Levi's Link List 96-100 This is parody, right? Right?I have never looked up a translation of the Muslim call to prayer before and wow, why can't we do this. Take out two lines and a... Levi's Link List 106-110 A podcast that discusses titles given for Jesus, one per episode New favourite "public" transit network I found out about that 👆 thanks to this great podcast... Don't miss what's next. Subscribe to Levi's Link List: Subscribe