November 20, 2023 Levi's Link List 46-50 When you hear "decimated" do you assume "reduced TO 10% of the original amount" or "reduced BY 10% of the original amount"? You'd think something this cool would have a longer Wikipedia article TIL there's a permanent weather buoy at 0°N 0°E "Yu-Mex was a style of popular music in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which incorporated the elements of traditional Mexican music. The style was mostly popular during the 1950s and 60s, when a string of Yugoslav singers began to perform traditional Mexican songs." (thanks Jezza) Obscure instrument of the day Read more: Levi's Link List 41-45 Maybe that's the time when it is time to contemplate / Why we're getting so much love from all these people more famous for their ability to incinerate... Levi's Link List 51-55 "Re-reading CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia after a gap of thirty years reveals the author’s interest in the culture and history of the Turkic peoples."... Don't miss what's next. Subscribe to Levi's Link List: Subscribe