August 9, 2024 Levi's Link List 116-120 In which my favourite piano-youtuber discusses a song in my favourite gameWhy X is going downhill and BeReal is awesomeHere's a Dutch punk song about hating touristsPerfection in electronic music equiptment designBeer has real sugar, real colour, real bubbles, real flavours, and a real drug. Why would I drink fake stuff? Read more: Levi's Link List 111-115 Last time I read this strip, I didn't know the song. Now I know the song. 10/10 would sing again. Why in the world would someone name their kid "Husband"? I... Levi's Link List 121-125 BRB reading thisA podcast about the various names given to JesusI found yeti's home We should make “craic” more common in everyday speechWhy podcasts are the... Don't miss what's next. Subscribe to Levi's Link List: Subscribe