🚀The Dark Age: Escaping the grind
Hello, friends!
This is the 100th edition of Letters from Hill House. That's including all of these Dark Age letters, the first of which appeared in April 2021. No real celebration required; just a nice little acknowledgment of a round, happy number. Thanks for joining me here!
In the last of these letters I shared some excerpts from my work-in-progress. I'm currently writing the third draft, and it hadn't exactly been going swimmingly. The grindy part of revision, I think I called it. Each day I'd approach my writing desk with apprehension; each day I'd do just enough work to tick a box, then shove it aside and do something that required less...momentum? critical thought?
Felicia listened patiently as I complained about the work, and then she offered a thought: Perhaps all I really needed was to shift my perspective slightly. Instead of I have to write today, why not I get to write today?