Fresh coat of paint
Hello, friends!
While recuperating this weekend from a minor (but totally scary, in that I-know-I-know-this-is-totally-harmless-but-STILL!!! kind of way), I've spent a little time indulging a part of my creativity that hasn't gotten much attention in the last several years.
I've been designing book covers!
Some of you know this about me: I was the indie author who designed his own covers, and found himself a little bit in demand for a few years there. For a short time, some people in small circles celebrated the idea of having "a Jason Gurley cover" for their book.
Book cover design scratches an itch I can't address with my fiction writing, or with the software design I do by day. For one, it lets me play with one of my favorite things: Fonts. Gosh, do I love fonts.
So while keeping my body as still as possible, I attacked my self-published backlist. New covers for all! But then, just as quickly as I'd begun, I was...done.
I don't really want to be done, though. Designing covers is a delight I've really missed.
So I'm opening my books again! It's been years since I designed covers for authors and publishers, but I was pretty good at it, I think. And I'm going to take on just a few projects here and there, not really open the floodgates the way I did back in the day.
If you're in the business and you're looking for a cover designer, or you know someone who is, let me know! Here's a portfolio of some of my best work. And here's where to request an estimate for your project.
Now, let me share a few of those new covers I've been working on...
You can see the rest of the new ones in the portfolio, if you like. Got any favorites?
It's going to be a good week, isn't it?
✏️Until next time,
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