Letters to J
026 — Pain as a scalar
November 17, 2020
This is the twenty-sixth issue of Letters to J. We hope this one reminds you to stretch. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev, 11/16/20) Have you ever navigated an injury or...
025 — Punch-carded days
November 10, 2020
This is the twenty-fifth issue of Letters to J. We hope this one reminds you to get your punch card stamped (and to celebrate the Biden/Harris win). (Jasdev...
024 — Zeek’s
November 3, 2020
This is the twenty-fourth issue of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to curl up on the couch with your favorite pizza. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev, 11/2/20)...
023 — Face mask by face mask
October 27, 2020
This is the twenty-third issue of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to carve out time to face mask. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin, 10/26/20) What’s something...
022 — Nicomachean Ethics
October 20, 2020
This is the twenty-second issue of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to either read some Aristotle or plan out a 2021 Vegas trip. (Justin ⇒...
021 — Three-person group chats
October 13, 2020
This is the twenty-first issue of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to start — or revive — a group chat with your pals. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin,...
020 — Cruciverbalism
October 6, 2020
This is the twentieth issue of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to grab a clipboard, a pencil (or pen if you’re brave), and the closest...
019 — Misty
September 29, 2020
This is the nineteenth issue of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to scroll through photos of your favorite pet — family’s, friend’s, or...
018 — Telemachus
September 22, 2020
This is the eighteenth issue of Letters to J. We hope this one inspires you to pet the nearest corgi. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev, 9/21/20) The next prompt is full-...
017 — Setting boundaries and the Yoneda Lemma
September 15, 2020
This is the seventeenth issue of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to set boundaries around what makes you uniquely you. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin,...
016 — Volume shooting
September 9, 2020
This is the sixteenth issue of Letters to J. We hope that you got to take yesterday to recover and unplug a bit (we certainly did, thus the delay). (Justin ⇒...
015 — A Cascade Tetris friendship
September 1, 2020
This is the fifteenth sending of Letters to J. We hope this one reminds you of a friendship with a weird and cherished origin story. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin,...
014 — Stormwind and Prontera
August 25, 2020
This is letter fourteen of Letters to J. We hope this one gives you license to geek out a little. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev, 8/24/20) Have a story of when you got in...
013 — A surefire capture the flag strategy
August 18, 2020
This is letter thirteen of Letters to J. We hope this one reminds you of your favorite childhood game. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin, 8/17/20) Details [about your Halo...
012 — M, A, & C
August 11, 2020
This is the twelfth sending of Letters to J. We hope this one reminds you of a good friend. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev, 8/10/20) I’m curious to hear about folks in...
011 — Phrontisteries
August 4, 2020
This is the eleventh sending of Letters to J. We hope this one encourages you to find a quiet study spot. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin, 8/3/20) Do you keep an...
010 — Antilibraries
July 28, 2020
This is the tenth letter of Letters to J. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev, 7/27/20) Do you — or did you — collect anything in the same way the dance genre does for...
009 — Listen to the gardeners
July 21, 2020
This is the ninth sending of Letters to J. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin, 7/20/20) My advice is to figure out what the break-glass-in-case-of-emergency option is, and to...
008 — How not to drown
July 14, 2020
This is the eighth letter of our penpal series, Letters to J. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev, 7/13/20) Have you been able to pace yourself while building Buttondown and...
007 — Revisiting earned fatigue
July 7, 2020
This is the seventh letter of our penpal series, Letters to J. (Jasdev ⇒ Justin, 7/6/20) But am I alone in this? Are you able to remember all of your past...
006 — Lacunae
June 30, 2020
This is the sixth sending of our penpal newsletter, Letters to J. There’s no other way to put it, the past month — and the ongoing reality for Black folks —...
005 — Bookmarks
June 23, 2020
This is the fifth sending of our penpal newsletter, Letters to J. There’s no other way to put it, the past month — and the ongoing reality for Black folks —...
004 — Abstractions
May 26, 2020
This is the fourth sending of a penpal newsletter we’re calling Letters to J. You can read the first few issues here! (Justin ⇒ Jasdev) Towards shorter word...
003 — September 26th
May 19, 2020
This is the third sending of a penpal newsletter we’re calling Letters to J. You can read the first or second here and here and we hope this brings some...
002 — Stasis
May 12, 2020
This is the second dispatch of Justin and Jasdev’s penpal newsletter, Letters to J. You can read the first here. (Justin ⇒ Jasdev) Hi friend! Your Dear...
001 — Upon further reflection
May 5, 2020
This is the first letter between two friends across coasts. Jasdev is trying to figure things out after ending a three and a half year run ride as an...