NEWS LTR №2: Our Collection of Typewriters

Dear friends of the typewritten word!
A new NewsLTR for the last day of October.

Variable Typewriter
Our flagship textured typewriter font is magically variable in weight. LTR NCND Variable strikes a careful balance between detail and file size: all its concentrated flavour fits in a compact webfont. Visit the delightful minisite with amazing all-font all-css animations.
Paul Barnes took a closer look at LTR NCND in “Variable Grunge” for the EYE Magazine blog.

use this code at checkout: TRADEMARK
Detailed Typewriter
Through the years we have published some really detailed cuts with amazing textures: Classic Rough Pro and Classic HD Pro are two of our favourites. But beware, all that extra detail increases the file size: these versions are not to be used on the web! So if you're working in print or motion, and file size is not a concern, check out our NCND Classic styles!

Scripted Typewriter
The boffins in Hut 8 have written some code so Adobe InDesign can manipulate the weight values of selected NCND text. This creates new effects that would otherwise be hard to make. These are: dark-to-thin, thin-to-dark and our favorite: randomise.
If you know your way around Drawbot and Python, this demo shows how to animate text with LTR NCND.

Ticking, tocking Typewriter
Vasilis van Gemert explored the idea of typewriter clocks with LTR NCND. (Check out all his clocks)
Trademarked Typewriter
Did you know we had to change the name because a private equity company ransomed our trademark? Now the fonts are called LTR NCND a.k.a "Neither Confirm Nor Deny". Turns out this clever quip is actually the only answer we can give when you ask if this is Txxxxx.