NEWS LTR №10: Very Bauble!
Discover the delightful LTR Very Bauble font, perfect for your festive designs!
If you’re a regular reader of the NewsLTR, you will have seen the preparations of the new release: LTR Very Bauble! It started as a newsletter headline sketch, right here!
Bauble is a a peaky, beaky sans, a sharp serif, and all varying degrees of baublicity in between, pips, inlines, thorns and leaves. All this on a single, smooth, easy to animate, variable font axis named Serif. Available as variable & single OpenTypes. The characterset is tiny but very pretty. The entire collection is available for the reduced price of €60 (on account of its smolness), that includes the variable and the OTF singles (those are €35 each).

Whether or not you choose to participate in Decemberist Saturnalia is up to you. Personally I am always quite happy to see the Winter Solstice on the calendar. After which, on the Northern Hemisphere, the days get longer again.
Whatever the occasion, if you want to send some seasonal warmth to your friends, a nicely designed card say, or if you make such ephemera for your clients, then LTR Very Bauble may be useful.
I’m not saying you’re late, not at all, but I am reminding you that the clock for fitting and elaborate lettering is tocking and ticking.
A PDF specimen of LTR Very Bauble, showing the different styles and variations.
Despite the limited characterset the variations multiplied quickly and I had to stop before it grew from Bigly to Massive. The current charactesset should be enough for your basic holiday or birthday wish, movie title, or exclusive watch brand. If you really need a humanist sans with flavor, (but minus inlines of leaves), check out LTR Limited Grotesque!