LLTT Newsletter #12 - April 2024

LLTT - Issue #12 - April 2024
“The reward of a thing well done is to have done it” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Blessed Be Drudgery
At first glance, this phrase might seem peculiar, even contradictory. After all, the term "drudgery" often evokes images of monotonous, uninspiring work that drains the soul. However, when we place the word "blessed" before it, we invite a shift in perspective. We begin to see that the mundane, the tedious, and the challenging aspects of life can be a wellspring of growth and fulfilment, particularly in the area of learning.
Drudgery, in this context, refers to the repetitive, often monotonous tasks that are an inherent part of any worthwhile endeavour. When it comes to developing a skill like shorthand, these tasks are the very foundation upon which mastery is built. The hours of practice, the drills, the dedication—these are the unglamorous but essential building blocks of success.
We've spoken before about how growth in shorthand emerges from embracing challenges and persevering through difficulties. There is no progress without struggle, and no triumph without trial. The question that remains, then, is this: How deeply do you desire it?
For those who aspire to become the best versions of themselves, there are guiding principles that can help us embrace the hard work and unwavering dedication required to attain proficiency.
Embrace the Grind: Shorthand mastery is not for the faint of heart. It demands consistent practice and the willingness to weather the inevitable storms of frustration and setbacks.
Put Your Words into Action: However, merely acknowledging the value of hard work is not enough. True progress requires the diligent, daily execution of practice sessions.
Practice with Purpose: Each practice session should be approached with a clear objective in mind. Whether the focus is on improving speed, accuracy, or fluency, having a specific goal will yield more effective results.
Celebrate Your Progress: Take the time to acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate your progress along the way. Most of us are not naturally inclined to do this, but it is crucial. Begin by recognising how far you've come, rather than fixating on how far you have yet to go.
So, embrace drudgery. Find some way to extract purpose from the grind and in the daily work that will shape us into the writers we wish to become. The path will be arduous at times, but the rewards…immeasurable.

In Teeline News
Although the first link is dated (December 2022), it bears repeating: a proper shorthand note may save you one day. The second news item (April 2024) is from this month and highlights that, yes, tech does fail, and can cause problems.
So take heart, Teeline enthusiasts! Remember that investing in yourself and your abilities is never a wasted effort. In this ever-changing world, the dedication and discipline required to learn Teeline will always stand you in good stead. These two items are a small testament that skill is its own reward, regardless of technological shifts. Keep honing your craft with pride and your efforts will surely pay off in unexpected ways.
Truth Matters in Court Reporting
What took place in a London magistrates' court dealing with a routine guilty plea on Tuesday 12 May 2015? That was the central question addressed by Mr Justice Griffiths in a High Court judgment. As frequently happens these days, he was presented with two competing 'truths'. In a ruling that will be widely welcomed by journalists, he chose the one backed up by the contemporaneous (Teeline) shorthand note of a skilled and experienced court reporter.
Shorthand trumps tech
“Fellow shorthand users and court transcribers can take a moment to feel a little smug that we are still doing it ‘old-school style’.”
Thanks for reading!
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A Parting Thought

"Don't Get Worried. Don't Get Stressed. Let's Love Teeline Together."