LLTT Newsletter #11 - March 2024

LLTT - Issue #11 - March 2024
This month's idea is short, but very powerful.
In one of the older Teeline books, James Hill's wife, I.C. Hill, reveals the following:
James did some research into the time taken for individual students to get a (dictation) passage down accurately, and without stopping to catch up.
He discovered that while some managed a complete 'take' after as few as four or five attempts, others took as many as fourteen or fifteen attempts.
Presumably the difference lay in the time it took for the student to gain 'immediate recall' of every outline in the passage.
So some students managed to complete a full "take" after four or five attempts, while others required up to fourteen or fifteen tries to achieve the same level of accuracy. Let's not forget, that's to get it down accurately ONCE.
This should shed some serious light on not worrying about spending too much time on one dictation. Rather, embrace the need for repetition and dedicate yourself to focusing on what's really important: incremental improvement.
As we discussed in the July 2023 LLTT Newsletter:
(Fully) preparing a dictation offers significant benefits. By taking your time...you can identify the challenging outlines or word groupings. This expands your vocabulary. Studying the overall structure of a piece helps you recognize patterns, deepening your understanding of shorthand theory and improving your writing. The more you employ this strategy, the more this will enhance your speed, accuracy, and overall proficiency, enabling you to handle future unprepared dictations more effectively.
James' research underscores the importance of perseverance and dedication to mastering Teeline.
So if you find yourself requiring multiple attempts to accurately take down a passage, there is no need to be discouraged. Instead, view each attempt as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. Stick with it until you're confident you have mastered the piece. By doing so, you are taking important steps towards the bigger goal of achieving excellence. Remember, progress is more important than perfection, and every effort, no matter how small, will bring you closer to success. Embrace it, and trust your dedication will pay off in the end.
"The greatest competition you will ever face is the competition between your disciplined and undisciplined mind." - James Kite
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A Parting Thought

"Don't Get Worried. Don't Get Stressed. Let's Love Teeline Together."