LLTT Newsletter #10 - February 2024

LLTT - Issue #10 - February 2024
Slow down.
In any endeavour, mastering the fundamentals is essential. To achieve top speed, the basics must be deeply rooted in both your mind and hand.
Have you heard the saying that sometimes to progress, you must take a step back?
Retreat, hell! We're not retreating; we're just advancing in a different direction. - General Oliver P. Smith
Indeed, in the shorthand realm, we often fixate on conquering the next speed barrier. However, attempting this without a solid foundation leads to frustration. Your reflexes and determination may propel you forward for a time, but eventually, your speed will stagnate.
Here's a secret: Temporarily reducing your pace will NOT hinder your speed.
You're in control. Each drill and practice session should enhance your skills in some way. While speed is an important element, a true master recognises the value of slowing down to refine problem areas and ensure clarity.
Rule #1: Don't lose your clarity
You cannot improve until you work on your faults. And you cannot work on your faults at maximum speed.
So slow down. Rest assured, your speed will remain intact when you return to swifter execution. That's a promise.

Interesting Links
A curated collection of interesting links that may ignite your curiosity or broaden your horizons.
https://phrontistery.info/A phrontistery (from the Greek phrontistes 'thinker') is meant to be a thinking-place for reflection and intellectual stimulation. I invite you to explore the various site features relating to language and lexicography, find that half-remembered rare or obscure word you've been looking for, or to read and explore essays on language, linguistics, and culture.

XWord Info: NYT Crossword Answers and Insights
NYT crossword solutions and insights
XWord Info is the essential resource for crossword constructors and enthusiasts. Whether you're stuck on a clue or searching for the best way to fill your grid, you'll find help here.

earth.fm: Listen to nature sounds, fall in love with the Earth
A non-profit, growing library of immersive nature sounds from all over the world. Become part of our family and help preserve the planet.
Listen to nature sounds, fall in love with the Earth
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A Parting Thought

"Don't Get Worried. Don't Get Stressed. Let's Love Teeline Together."