A Teeline reading puzzle - 9 Jul 2024
Here’s a Teeline shorthand challenge. With a few hints, see if you can read the following sentence without the context of the entire piece that it came from.

Don't be discouraged if you can't read it all at first glance - this type of exercise takes practice to master.
Try to identify any familiar outlines or groupings. If you get stuck on an outline, continue reading past it and come back to it.
When you're ready to check your decoding skills, the answer is provided below the image. But give it your best shot first!
Once you have figured it out, continue “writing” it out in your mind’s eye until you can recall the Teeline without referring to the page. This mental practice is a great way to reinforce your Teeline skill and will improve your speed and accuracy over time.

“However, in some cases a person might be glad to be getting treatment for a condition to make them better and improve their lives.”