Have you ever said or done something you regretted later? Perhaps you made an impulsive purchase like buying a house because of the one time you saw a beautiful sunset around a corner that "blew your mind", or you left your partner on the spur of the moment for someone else, or you reacted to someone, because things didn't go as you'd hoped. Chances are you listened to your mind in those instances, but you are not your mind (at least not the part of it that we are concerned with).
The biggest lie we have been living is mistaking our mind for ourselves. Many of us mistakenly think mental health challenges are only for those who have been diagnosed with chronic stress, anxiety, or even depression, and who need some kind of professional help through psychiatry, psychotherapy or a similar way. But, the reality is none of us are immune to having mental health challenges, despite what we might believe. In other words, we are all enslaved to our minds.
By the way, the suicide rate among psychologists is far higher than average, and Psychology Today reports that 46% report depression and nearly 50% see themselves as failures.